IMT Asset Management AG (IMTA) was founded in 1999 and is specialized in asset and fund management as well as investment controlling. IMTA is licensed under the AIFMD and is licensed to act throughout the European Economic Area. IMTA is supervised by the Financial Market Authority Liechtenstein (FMA).


Asset Management
Discretionary Asset Management for institutional and private clients. Our focus is on a solid Strategic Asset Allocation, disciplined Portfolio Implementation, controlled Risk Taking, and ongoing Portfolio Monitoring.

Private Equity
Our clients get access to this very rewarding asset class. We leverage our global network with blue-chip and boutique General Partners to get access to interesting funds as well as direct and co-investment deals. Since a number of years our private equity portfolios also include Impact Investments. The share of Impact investments is rising.

IMT Asset Management AG acquired 2022 a minority stake in a boutique private equity manager in London, Frog Capital Ltd. (, which focuses on technology-enabled growth capital in Europe.

Management of Regulated Investment Funds
We are together with our colleagues from IMT Financial Advisors specialized in structuring, managing, and running Funds. Our expertise spans all major asset classes, including Hedge Funds, Private Equity and Real Estate. Funds provide a very interesting umbrella for bespoke Investment Solutions and Wealth Structuring. A fund solution offers a regulated structure with strong inherent Investment Governance, transparent Reporting, Privacy, and Tax Advantages. Furthermore, funds are an efficient means to transfer Family Assets among family members and internationally.

Investment Controlling
Trusts, foundations, and family offices work with us to overlook their investment mandates. This enhances governance greatly and helps the respective boards to objectively and professionally fulfil their fiduciary duties. We act as an independent, unbiased pair of eyes and work closely with the fiduciaries to manage the relationship with the investment managers, to monitor investment risks, and to keep costs under control. This may include the design of a new governance structure and taking a seat in investment committees and boards.

Investment Advice
We are more than happy to share or expertise with our clients when it comes to investment decisions. This may include the selection process of third-party Investment Managers or specific due diligence on complex Investment Opportunities, e.g., in the area of Private Equity or Direct Investments.



Our investment approach is based on the believe that a long-term robust strategic Asset Allocation is the key for long term performance. Many scientific studies show that the Asset Allocation is by far the major performance driver and accounts for up to 80% of the overall Portfolio Performance. An Asset Allocation is robust, i.e., exhibits limited draw down risks even under adverse market conditions, if there is sufficient diversification across the various asset classes and risk factors. Since we put such great emphasis on the Strategic Asset Allocation we let leading industry experts review our approach on a regular basis. This reflects our belief that constant learning and critical self-assessment is the key to long-term term success.

When implementing our portfolios we decide on tactical variations against the Strategic Asset Allocation to account for unforeseen changes in the market environment. When deciding on individual investments we apply a rigorous selection process. Depending on the market sector we deploy either active or passive Investment Products. Our clients can expect Full Transparency and fair asset management fees.


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Investment Outlook 02.2024
Fear Of Inflation Returns
Investment Outlook 01.2024
Outlook 2024
Investment Outlook 10.2023
Higher for Longer


Asset & Fund Management



IMT Asset Management AG
Austrasse 56, P.O. Box 452
9490 Vaduz, Liechtenstein

T +423 2381790
F +423 2381799